I'm happy to see Grimes develop some underclasssmen when we can. Studrawa almost never took his starters out.
I'd be happy with a little more worth a damn O line play and a lot less excuses from the pep squad. This is supposed to be a veteran, seasoned line. You mean to tell me they forgot how to play football? C'MON man
I have mixed feelings about that. Sure, you want to develop the younger O Linemen but during garbage time sometimes I would like to see the young RBs, QBs and WRs playing behind the first string line
Ok Shane, maybe we should have got Wick. Lets see his first three years coaching at Okie lite, they finished 4-7, 7-6 and 7-6. Followed by a few seasons of 4 and 5 losses. Guess the big-12 is better than the SEC? Maybe a loss to a 6-7 Iowa St a few years back? How would that go over at LSU? Last year they lost to a 4-8 WV team that was bad, real bad. Don't get me started. Only at LSU. Kind of like the backup QB, someone else has a better Asst Coach. Last year some were calling for Corey Raymond's head, some Steve Ensminger, Brick, maybe we should fire the whole staff and start over, cut some of the players. You know, people want to get rid of Welter, lets get rid of Chief, maybe the game has passed him by? Only at LSU. Let me know when Wick gets a NC ring, Grimes has his. Didn't want to bash Wick, but even LSU and Studs sent more players into the NFL during the same time frame. Yes, as bad as our line has been, LSU and Studs did a better job. Maybe we should have kept Studs? Maybe Okie Lite should hire Studs?
@LSUDad eeeeeaassy big fella. What I'm saying is I'm tired of the effing excuses. Someone here made it a point to say how we would beat Wisconsin "easily" is the term I think I remember. Just how did that work out? Since then it has been a parade of back tracking and "we'll because" and blah blah blah. The staff needs to fix this shit and people need to quit covering their asses for not doing so. There is NO excuse for piss poor line play from this unit. NONE. Everyone makes a big deal out of the top 5, top 2 , he'll arguably the TOP recruiting classes. Well, that leaves the talent pool off the board so what else is there. Coach them sumbitches up and play ball. Oh and Welter still can't fucking tackle. I just might be more happy to see his ass gone than I was "you know who" Well. On second thought.
God damned right. Only at LSU would they have a MLB that couldn't tackle the backup tailback on the local pop warner squad. Yep. Bout right