jordan jennings is here to stay under center regardless. i knew that last year. harris got lee'd because les doesnt want production. he wants safe and safe only. until we are down 3 scores late. then brandon lee will come in having to force shit in obvious passing situations.
But you would agree his level of play as it currently stands will result in two straight losses in the SEC?
You guys are smoking big ass monkey nuts if you think Jennings is anywhere close to Jordan Jefferson.
@shane0911 It is amazing how you all's distaste of Les allows you to trash these and other LSU players who have no fault other than playing the best they can for LSU. You continually say you love LSU and support the players but the words you type give lie to that BS. You should be ashamed.
I am. of our passing game. actually its just a running joke between shane and me. but im not here to placate your sensitivities.