Oh if that were only true...this is tigerfans.com...you WILL get blasted if you are not a sunshine pumper for all that put on the purple and gold. Straight blasphemy to express criticism on any player or coach. Sad but true.
Saying a guy needs to get better is a lot different from saying he will never be good based on one game.
And by the way, I love being called a sunshine pumper as it has served me well as an lsu fan as well as in life. Don't get me wrong, I was for replacing the 3 coaches in our time of darkness and even Stovall at the end, but I always stay true to my team and have great hope for the future in stead of dreading what will come.
Completely untrue. Call people fucking idiots, and say they suck and will always suck, and comparing Jennings to Jordan Jefferson after 1 game and yes you will get flamed. But being realistic and offering constructive criticism is completely valid. Please give examples where people were run off or flamed for offering constructive criticism.
So you are the judge, jury and executioner? Your purpose on this earth is to tell me that AJ's performance did not remind me of JJ? Awesome. Now tell me what else I should think chopper. Did not say the guy sucked and I don't remember reading it from others. I did read disappointment and others seeing the same memories of JJ popping up. Do I think AJ has a better chance of success? Hell yes I do because of cam alone.
You completely misinterpreted what he said. Nobody is trying to tell you what to think or say. But, if you come with 'Miles is an idiot' or '<insert player name here> sucks', you will get called out by other people who are expressing their opinion of you, just like you did of said coach/player. If that's how you roll and you can't take it, then it's best just to soften your stance a little and instead of saying so and so sucks, just say they had a bad game. And, if you're going to compare a true freshman starting his first game to JJ in his senior year, then you're expectations are unrealistic.
I can take whatever, doesn't matter to me but fact remains many were reminded of JJ with the performance. The fact that we are having this discussion is ridiculous. Who cares if it was freshman or senior year? The performance still looked the same. The only difference is AJ has a fighting chance to develop the skills we know he has with Cam Cameron in his corner.
Lol, chopper. Get to tha Choppa!!!! No seriously get to the chopper, and take this bullshit with you. http://www.tigerfan.com/threads/lsu-vs-iowa-game-thread.107668/ just read through that thread and tell me people aren't being ridiculous. All I said was act ridiculous, say ridiculous shit, and it will be called out.
Sorry...Jennings (do not call him "AJ") didn't have his pouty face, didn't toss the ball into an Iowa defenders hands while his teammate wasn't looking, didn't throw the ball that the receivers' feet, and didn't claim to have made "great decisions". Not seeing the JJ resemblance. Yes, he was really indecisive at times, but Mett was last year, too. We know he's got the wheels; he just needs a little more coaching to adjust his internal clock. Mett's was night and day after Cam got ahold of him. "Fans" better drop that perception quickly because if this kid gets booed in TS the way JJ did, then god help us all.