Iowa had 156 passing and 77 rushing, that's 233 yards. Jeremy Mills Myles Hill had 216 yards rushing alone.
Yeah I am counting on a dominant defense to hide the offensive shortcomings of this team next year. We're going to go back to the Les Miles 170 yards passing, 230 yards rushing offense that plagued us for 4 years.
and Gruden kept doing it. Over and over and over. Tirico kept saying Hill, and Gruden kept fucking it up.
You must be almost as clueless as Les when it comes to clock management. The screwup wasn't to call a timeout or not. The srewup was kneeling on first down instead of running the ball to eat more clock. LSU should never needed to punt at the end with proper clock management.
I think we'll be good offensively. Harris will push Jennings, Avery Johnson will be back in the line up, we'll have Dural, we're recruiting a shit of ton awesome defensive talent that should push this already battle tested squad for PT... amd we'll have Magee and fournette runnning the ball. Good things are coming LSUs way.