Didnt ask what your kids would do I asked if YOU would let THE STATE decide if YOUR kid is "allowed" to get treatment "THEY" didn't "approve" of. Sounds like you are siding with the duck.
What would you do, grab the kid and shoot it out with the cops,.. sure you would, Bruce Willis,.. get real Hollywood cowboy. And I don't care where you live, you're still a ridiculous stooge.
No, it sounds like you are dumber than shit and incapable of formulating an intelligent response. Don't bother responding. I'm done with your feeble mind.
When THE STATE starts deciding who lives and dies yes I would go "Bruce Willis" and shoot it out with the cops. Maybe a puss wimp like you and Rex would allow THE ALMIGHTY STATE to let your your kids and family die at their discrestion but count me out and any other real men. Flock with the rest of the sheep Bahaaaaaaaaaaa!
after the cops put you in the hole, Hollywood could make a movie about your life,.. "Blowhard", starring Leslie Neilson.
I understand what Kiki is getting at in his enigmatic way. The merits of whether or not the treatment will help the boy are greatly out weighed by the fact the state has taken control over what should be a private decision. This is the inevitable result of state run healthcare and the destruction of freedom. This is one reason we should oppose Obamacare and every state financed version that follows. Taking our voice out of the equation leads to slavery. I've been to the Soviet Union and seen the ruins of state control of healthcare. You see what is happening in Venezuela and other socialist countries and yes in England and Canada and France and..... Its a sirens' song that will lead us to destruction. The state decides who lives and dies because they hold all the cards. Kiki would rather die than live under such a system and I can't blame him.
I get that, unfortunately, in America, unless you have million$, the hospital or the insurance companies decide who lives and who dies,.. and Moe's full of blue mud.
Infantile comeback even for you. You liberals justify slicing up an 8 month old baby and sucking it out of a womb because its a so called "womans right to choose". Giving anyone the right to decide life or death is putting them equal with God giving women this right makes them goddeses. So they can end a life because its inconvenient for her or whatever other vile excuse for ending a life. So my point is I guess letting your loved ones die at the discrestion of THE STATE it simply extreme late term abortion for you guys. My conscience is clear, how's yours? Pretty good spelling too.