No. Lots of things aren't covered. I am free to pay for that or seek help to pay for it. The government can't stop me. When you have government run healthcare that all changes. It's fundamentally different at its core.
I will grant you that is possible in the theory. I don't think it is a viable strategy for 99.5% of us.
What a couple of weak linguini spined parents. I would have said fuck you get on a plane and get the child to America. Its their fault.
That's easy to say, Bombastic Bill, but apparently reality doesn't penetrate your inflated noggin. That baby is under government care. Take the child and get on a plane, pfft, they'd be arrested before they left the hospital. "linguini spined parents", shame on you, those people are heroic.
That baby is under government care. Take the child and get on a plane, pfft, they'd be arrested before they left the hospital. And these two sentences in your post doesnt scare the absolute living shit out of you?
My point is, blowhard,.. you're a windbag, nothing but hot air,.. it's easy to talk tough, thump your chest and insult the parents,.. but put in their place you'd be a helpless weenie.
Hey I am not from Oregon get that through your tiny duck brain we dont take that shit down here. It sounds like you dont have any duckling because it sounds like you would actually give up your duckling to the government, your vagina is showing in this post. I take that back you dont a vagina or balls if you would give up your kid to THE STATE. If you do have ducklings you are just as bad as those parents probably worse since you are an American, I guess.