My soapbox? Are you serious?? I am a LSU fan on an LSU board responding to a rival poster that is morally outraged because my coach downplayed the importance of our victory over that team by making an offhanded joke. One that received about 10 seconds worth of attention in front of LSU fans. This was not a media exchange, or an interview, and I could care less about the way the internet has "changed things". My soapbox?? You might want to check your zip code buddy. You 'ain't in Kansas anymore. If I had the time to research your posts where you give Miles credit as a coach I would, instead I will let you find them. If they exist, I would love to read them. Regardless, you would not even qualify as a minority, and you know it. Your board and every other bama board is not only filled with Miles HATERS, but the majority cannot acknowledge even a scrap of ability. This is not a shocking truth and it's the reason bama is garnering no sympathy here. Your "" imply a sarcasm consistent with what I have said. Glad you agree. So get off your soapbox and accept that it's your time to pay up. Until you beat us you will just continue to reap it. We are not strangers to it, so perhaps you should just settle in, bite your lip and take it like a man.
I gotta say, what Dude is saying is absolutely correct about a lot of Bama fans and posters, but BamaBuzzard has said on numerous occasions that Miles can coach, on Tidefans. Matter of fact, to the point of telling his fellow posters that to continue to claim Miles is an idiot, when all evidence to the contrary, is making them look ridiculous. Just sayin........
Plus the 1-second-left TD pass. Of course, Les sent in that play with plenty of time and it was Flynn that let the clock run down uncomfortably far. Fortune favors the bold. "De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace" -- Georges Jacques Danton
The morning after the Florida victory, one of the big sports websites featured a front-page headline similar to this one. It was awesome. The Guts and the Glory
Thank you sir. I actually enjoy watching (except when y'all play us) Les coach. You never know what he's going to do. "Luck" is one thing when it happens here and there. But when you "luck out" consistently you have to begin to question whether it's luck or pretty good strategic planning. I think Les hires coordinators with a creative mindset and Crowton fits that mold to a tee. I loved the South Carolina fack FG. The look on darthvisor's face was priceless.
I agree .When you do something once ...that is lucky .When you do it all the freaking time ...that ain't luck.
Why would you want me to "tone it down" when that is one of the aspects you "hate" about tidefans? Or is it that you don't want to be "toned down" yourself but want rival fans like myself to be toned down so you'll have free reign (sp?) with the insults and tongue lashings? I'm sure you take yourself and your opinion with a grain of salt while every bama fan is just too serious about this stuff. Got it. :thumb:
Plus there is such a contrast between Les and Saban. Saban was much more conservative and tended to play it close to the vest. But hey, it worked great in '03. I am not one of the Saban haters that you see in Tiger country. I didn't care for some of his tactics but couldn't argue with the results. Les is smarter than people give him credit for and is just as intense. But he is like a river boat gambler that likes to roll the dice. Players respect that type of coach. Its shows that he has confidence in his team to execute the call. 34-6, enough said.