What damage could a TV commercial possibly cause to the casino? Unless it is live and the actor slanders the casino on air.
Has anyone looked at how much liability insurance would cost? I bet not much, little risk. Up their rates to cover. Easy!
This is where the discussion should begin not with dueling policies. http://reason.com/archives/2017/03/19/health-insurance-and-rights
Maybe a closer look should be given to making the market transparent and competitive. Read the following about two (of many) that are cash only businesses. Compare the cost of most normal preventive and palitive care for cash only services with what insurance charges. Compare the out of pocket expenses for cash only with Obamacare. The Republicans plans was no better or maybe worse s both sides are in the pocket of vested interests. https://www.aei.org/publication/an-...cing-and-no-insurance-the-future-of-medicine/
Overall, the problem is cost of care. Yet our idiot politicians only focus on who pays for what parts of the pie. They need to be shrinking the pie instead. Trump looked promising when he said he would bring down drug prices. He got all the pharmaceutical companies together a month ago to discuss it and we haven't heard a word since. Figures