Paul isn't winning the nomination. Bachmanns record is pretty good. What don't you like about her? And she's going to kill Ron paul in the polls bc he comes across as Barney fife in a suit. People don't knowingly elect bat**** crazy.
By the time the election rolls around, a Labrador Retriever will be able to beat your boy. The economy won't get better because he has no idea how to revive it. He's all talk and no action. This "takes time" and "speed bump" crap may resonate with ignorant Obama kool aid drinkers but that's about it..
I didn't read all of them but what's wrong with this one..... You may disagree with it but it's certainly not something that makes her an idiot It's a commonly held viewpoint.
yeah by a bunch of knuckle dragging republicans who are more worried about their pockets than the planet.
It's a dishonest, half-truth. Of course CO2 is produced naturally, but billions of tons of it are also produced artificially. I'm really not trying to have the global warming debate here, but her logic here is ludicrous. Not that I would expect anything less from her. . . Using her line of reasoning, she would have to support legalization because, hey, cannabis is a naturally occurring substance! She's an extremist, and a trainwreck waiting to happen. The republicans would be well-advised to stay away from her if they want any chance in 2012.
you and every person you know is more worried about their pockets than the planet. you can deny it if you like, but we know.
Carbon dioxide is natural -- True. it is not harmful, -- False, Carbon Dioxide can kill you under certain circumstances. Worse it adversely affects climate change. it is a part of Earth's lifecycle. -- Wordspeak. what is "earths lifecycle". :huh: And yet we're being told that we have to reduce this natural substance -- False, what we are being told to reduce is the human-caused carbon, not the natural carbon. reduce the American standard of living, -- False, no one has advocated this. It is a scare tactic for fools. to create an arbitrary reduction -- False, the reduction is not arbitrary. in something that is naturally occuring in Earth. -- Completely irrelevant to human caused carbon pollution. :lol: It's still an erroneous one. Bachman is smarter than Palin, but not Presidential material.