I don't think the gameplan is to put an ad on Craiglist. A big fish available is probably what created this quick a buzz. I'm confident we'll upgrade. You play any golf? Gotta watch that paralysis thru analysis.
Sounds like you want to play me for money and expect to get rich. Which you would, I suck. Essentially all I'm saying is what you said in another post. If we can upgrade do it. But if Les is given time to get things back on track that would have to include a no holds barred come to Jesus talk.
No, Plano ISD goes to Collin County Adventure Camp in Anna. Did your child have a tornado warning on Monday night at Pine Cove? Had we been at Collin County Monday night, we'd have had to duck and cover at 4 in the morning.
Sure, keep in mind he would have a team of 'Heavenly Hosts" and an eternity to work at it. So I'm pretty confident.
He's doing well, thank you. They do a highly regarded Vet program. It may even be the best. We have another dog from a rescue missions that had one eye knocked out from being beaten. I think one of their facilities helped him out also. Couldn't save his eye but they fixed him up as well as could have been expected. Again, great people.