NC is more moderate than most think, I believe.... I think he enjoys mixing it up and the back and forth a bit....
Ummmm.... I don't agree. He argues objective points from an emotional perspective. That is the definition of a leftists. Just like this tigergold fella ... who somehow thought that Wind Power producing 6% vs 1% when it normally supplies 20%, and ignoring that the failure of wind tripped the system, is somehow considered a win. Further, NC's only references are left wing narratives from left wing news sites unless he lucked up and found a leftist on Fox parroting the left wing narrative, and worse, he considered those to be balanced and accurate.
fill in the blanks depending on your political persuasion and you could be referencing anyone here.....
I’m just saying we’re all passionate about perceived rights/wrongs, and form perception based on the media consumed, background, education, etc.
So you're tucking your tail between your legs in defeat, and getting the hell out of Dodge. Liberals only thrive in an echo chamber.
But some are more prone to be passionate about their perceptions to the point that they omit pertinent data. For example. TG .. was passionate about the virtues of wind energy, and made a false claim that fuel based energy "failed", based on an "officials" word; when in reality (the data, no opinion about it), the drop in frequency (hz) resulting from a sudden wind failure, increased demand, and failed management tripped those generators off line. I remember a while back, some posters here selectively posting article about HCQ being a failure on Covid and bashing Trump as a liar, based on highly partisan and prejudiced left wing reporting. This got so bad that several DOCTORS lost their jobs based on the cancel culture bull shit because they weren't toting the Main Stream Media narrative to demonize Trump. In the end, Medical Science has established that HCQ is indeed useful in early treatment of covid. The problem is, people aren't willing to wait for the data, and unfortunately, many of the "experts" are nothing more than spinsters who are more than willing to accept money to support a position.