You know that they are...this isn't so bad. I'm still waiting for my room; however, the ER rooms have HDTV, so I'm having a good day watching the NFL. And the Rangers play tonight. Oh, and I don't have to go to work in the morning. As with LSU football, I like to look for the positives, rather than the negatives.
Well, I did feel you could have been a little harder on BDP. Calling the special teams performance just "ugly" felt like you pulled your punch.
This is one of those posts they talk about whether you should give it a like or not because if you have to have surgery that is not a good thing. On the other hand the fact that surgery will make you better is a good thing. Just get well and I'll buy you 2 of those giant margaritas you like. That would be a good thing.
that's his worst category I begged him to create a new category called "Somebody needs to be fired over this", but to no avail
I can think of a few that are valid, that is beside the point. You cannot convince me that there were only 40k that didn't have anything better to do. Hell I bought tickets from an old couple that had season tickets years ago. They gave them up years ago due to prices and a few heart surgeries, they went.
Then why didn't people go? Do they hate LSU? Are they mad at Miles? If people had no excuse not to be there where were they?