For a million bucks he could have bought the tiger. I'm sure the owner wouldn't turn down that kind of money
That owner refuses to give up that tiger. The million dollars was spent on legal fees. This battle has been going on for many years. I just looked it up. June 2o14, Bobby Jindal signed into a law a bill that exempted the asshole who owns the tiger in Gross Tete. The Animal Legal Defense Fund is now suing Tiger Truck Stop, the truck stop’s corporate owner Michael Sandlin, the State of Louisiana, the Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission, and the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Since 2006, there has been a law banning people from owning exotic animals in Louisiana. This is clearly a violation of that law.
One of the Tiger defenders threw up the land shark thing and went running around. Not sure why they can do it but it's a penalty on us.
This is too easy. Hit him in his big tiger ass with a tranq. Dart and drag him into that cart. Roll him into the stadium and put him back after the game. Repeat as needed
Would a sleeping tiger in a trailer get you fired up before the game? Its no good if he's not prowling around in there.
The owner was fighting in court against the people who were trying to get the court to rule that what he is doing is illegal. Did anybody ever just offer him a large sum of money to give up the tiger? The owner is keeping the tiger because he thinks its an attraction that brings him business. Does the tiger bring him a million in business? I think not