Is there some reason that we can't do both? I'm pretty sure that is the plan and the players just need to get it down. Have they developed enough to beat Bama? Hard to say, but if Arkansas can manage a one-point loss, we can manage a one point win.
I understand what you are saying. Maybe we should build a vacation ranch for Mike in the summertime with lots of open range and some skirt to chase. I'm only slightly joking. We need a new Tiger every 18 or 20 years. With a bigger Tiger facility somewhere we could not only raise some young future Mikes but have a place for elderly Mikes to retire away from the madding crowd. And training them to get into their trailers for transport would facilitate being even more humane to them.
Shit, I might just spit on my tv screen in his honor if he does...wait no, I would have to clean it off so scratch that.
I don't know if something like that is feasible, but I like the idea. I think that would be really cool. The more stimulation and entertainment the cat is, the healthier the mind. They've done a ton studies of how the brain changes in animals in cages . . . ones in small cages with nothing to stimulate them, develop lot of mental damage. That should really come as no surprise. Creatures that took millions of years to evolve in the wild don't belong in a fucking cage. But worse than sticking beautiful animals in cages is destroying their natural habitat. That leads to extinction. Some estimate that 140,00 species a year go extinct (google Holocene extinction, if you're interested—it's pretty shocking).
Great idea! It could also serve as a home for other ailing tigers that have been in the circus, terrible zoos, etc. Things like that already exist, but I think LSU could totally afford to do something like that.
Mike has it made except for companionship. The tiger I really feel sorry for is the one at the Tiger Truck Stop in Grosse Tete
Amen, brother. That fucking tiger at the truck stop is totally unacceptable! That case has been in court for years. Organizations have literally spent millions of dollars to get that cat out of there. Not sure where things are currently. Even Leonardo DiCaprio personally donated $1,000,000 to help free that cat from a cage in a fucking gas station.