No they both look athletic to me and they are strong tacklers. They are just not playing smart football. They get out of position way too often, they don't cover receivers very well, and they are making too many tackles 10 yards downfield. Now, where have I heard these complaints before . . . Beckwith and Kwon will get even bigger and stronger and more athletic. Perhaps they might even get smarter and learn to read the offense and get where they need to be (I ain't holding my breath). But they damn sure need to play more disciplined. He Who Shall Not be Named would be screaming in their faces as they came off the field and replacing them with another player who is hungrier.
It's not like we we engineering long scoring drives. We had one 76 yard drive and three big plays. Other than that it was punt, turn over on downs, fumble, punt, punt. I don't think scoring quickly was the problem.
Not necessarily, but it didn't help, either. We don't know what would have become of the three quick-scoring possessions (I'm including the KO return in that.) We can guess that we'd have punted, etc, but we don't really know that.
I'm not sure what to say about the game yesterday. I am sure that we need to put some BIG, BAD, nasty disposition MFer's on the D line. The smaller, faster shit ain't cutting it with me. Very disappointed in yesterday's performance.