The "search" was handled so poorly. Which makes me think that O was Alleva's choice from the get-go. And ultimately, that hire is likely to get Alleva fired (which would not upset me), but I would hate to see LSU football go into the bottom of the pit for the next two decades (or even next two seasons.) What in the world would have been wrong with actually interviewing some other candidates?
I know this may sound silly, but my parents have a theory they keep mentioning. They feel like O was working against Miles, almost with a "deal" to become the new coach if working against him was successful. Is it beyond the realm of possibility that there was a good ol boy deal of some sort? Miles seemed to have lost the locker room in late '15/early '16. It seemed like a team divided. Was it? I'm just throwing it out there because the O hire was beyond head-scratching.
I know everyone keeps talking about waiting to see how we perform against AU and Florida, and that is crucial, but equally so is how we bounce back (or not) against Syracuse. That 23 sounds a little high right now, but we'll see. If we don't kick ass in a major way, we can know we're in trouble, as opposed to thinking we're in trouble.
All of this is right-on. An occasional JUCO here and there is fine (Plano will have a prospect next year that will have to do that because of academics). However, depending on JUCO transfers is a very slippery slope. A strong, elite program develops the players they sign as freshmen and then they are already in the program as juniors.
No there's many who believe there was a coup all along of Shakespearean proportions. Makes sense. Les was forced to hire Oeaux which adds to it.
Holy shit! This is absolutely a disaster if the HEAD coach said the team never had such aspirations. Why in the hell does LS-freakin'-U go OUT there if NOT to win championships? That is a real disappointment if O said that. If O said that, he truly is an assclown.
I think texas was in a little different scenario this us. They are going out there to try to do something against a better opponent. I hate to say it but it will be like us vs the gumps. They gave USuCk their best shot. We went in expecting to win and when things didn't start out our way or didn't all of a sudden turn around our youth got exposed. I personally put that much on the coaching staff. However what I do put on the staff is why did we abandon our bread and butter of running guice? I don't have that answer for you. To me the biggest issues of this last game was the intensity and the bone headed personal foul penalties. A ton of that goes on just being young and stupid. Not saying that coaching doesn't play a role, but I am still not ready to put Eaux on a pirogue down the bayou yet. We still have a damn strong team (yes I do believe that still) we could very easily run the table at worse loose 2 games.