With all due respect, the CFB of the 1970s was a very different game. Also, the 1976, 1977, 1978 Tigers went 6-4-1, 8-4, 8-4, for what it's worth. My frustration is this: what LSU was doing in the first half was getting first downs and points. Why not keep doing it? Why reduce your QB and studs like Dupre and Dural to mere props? I hated the way we played after going up 21-6.
I noticed that myself. It was like they just stopped because of an invisible barrier. I also don't feel comfortable with White returning punts he is a big accident waiting to happen. I hold my breath everytime.
he was 14'th in the nation last year. http://www.cfbstats.com/2014/leader/national/player/split01/category04/sort01.html
I definitely agree that Miles has a tendency to take his foot off the gas a bit too early. I thought he'd learned in his first year that even a 21 point lead at half is nothing to sit on.