so, do you think you know more about football than clm, or not. because thats all i wrote about. lsu clearly has a problem putting a high performing qb on the field. doesnt mean clm doesnt know fball. thats the crutch stupid people fall back on.
id like to see an analysis of that. because it could be that disgruntled fans find what you look for. how often do coaches have great success with Fr QBs (and dont forget that AJ had a great performance as a Fr QB, so did JLee, so did RP (i think he was a Fr in 07 SECGC))? is it chance or do some coaches repeatedly have that success?
You know, I don't know what the actual numbers are or how many. I'm not saying that freshman qbs are winning championship games, just that there are enough of them (rs) or not to ask why the hell do we struggle so badly at this position
It very clearly means Miles either does not understand (or refuses to adapt to) current offensive philosophy in football. Either one seems just as bad to me.