If's go both ways though... If the refs call all of the holding calls on state that they didn't, would the game have been close... if we get the catch that replay took from us (can't believe they still got it wrong)... if the refs don't give state a first down with 1:09 in the game, they would've had to use their last timeout... So many if's... Won an ugly game on the road with a qb starting only his second game... I'll take it...
If if if, yada, yada yada. We are all glad LSU won. Shoulda been way ahead. Refs shoulda made better calls or maybe the D shouldn'tna held, chop blocked, trash talked, .ect. But they did. The point is that with a 21-6 lead and then a 21-13 lead the game was far from being in hand. LF7 played a fantastic game, don't get me wrong. But to continue over and over and over to run him with 8 and 9 in the box without once throwing a play action pass on first down while Les was played not to lose kept the defense on the field way to much for th not to become fatigued almost directly led to putting this one in the loss column. We were good in the first half. We were lucky in the second.
This could not be more wrong, but given who is saying it...well... Look, no one is saying they don't want 7 getting the ball. We have something of a QB now, they will HAVE to change the philosophy because that shit won't get it done vs. better teams.
I want LF7 to get the ball. Just not so many time vs defenses that know he is getting it and where. I don't want to ser himvget injured
On this, yes. It didn't work but MooU pooped their opportunity with an unconscionable delay of game at the end. I like how you believe it will get better next week, it has my hopes up that you might just be right. I just don't think the argument that this was a well executed power run scheme holds up to scrutiny. You do know even as a Miles supporter it is ok to criticize the guy, right? When you present things in such a binary way it tarnishes your credulity.