Oh, you get to redefine commonly accepted terms? Well, you still haven't defined "soft fascism" or "corporatism." What are they supposed to mean?
Still worried about future fears instead of what they are actually doing? Yes, they certainly slept through the last administration and apparently the last two elections, too. Glad to hear they have woken up. Perhaps they will even constitute an real majority some day. Don't hold your breath. Worries that the democrats won't succeed does not mean that people are ready to return to the failed policies of the republicans. Memories are not that short.
You claimed I misunderstood. Of which I don't and pointed out exactly what I meant. The burden of proof of your claim is on you not me.
It's what they are actually doing that has me worried about the future. Wow, haven't heard that phrase from a liberal in...oh...6 minutes.
last night i met a cute girl who is a fancy lawyer for goldman sachs. she liked me. i will see her again next week and maybe ask her out if i feel ambitious. if i play my cards right perhaps she will buy some nice things with her bailout money.
BS. Gobbledegook. Evasion. You claimed that heath regulation was fascism which you described as "corporatism" or "soft fascism". Nobody but you knows what you are talking about. What is corporatism and how is heath regulation fascism?
I apologize. I'm used to using the universally accepted definition of words. Can you please provide me with a dictionary of words as defined by you so as to avoid future misunderstandings? Thanks...