I tend to agree. Even though you just described the political, economical and religious aspect of human society.
the more significant relationship by far is: being an American makes you fat. My god, you see it every day, everywhere, and some don't even know that they're fat. I'd guess that well over 50% of Americans are obese. 25%+ morbidly obese. I recently spent 6 weeks in Paris, for work, living among a pretty healthy population. When i came back the contrast was shocking. America is a land of fatass, couch potatoes. FYI, i am in pretty good shape. I run 5 miles every other day, weight lift on alternating days. 5'9" 165lbs. (while in Paris i did see some overweight people, but invariably, it was in tourist areas and they were Americans.)
whats this miraculous p90x? why not just eat healthier and be more active. jog, bike, swim, tennis. If forced i could do push-up, situps, and jumping jacks in a hotel room...
So wait, if there is a heaven and a fat dude gets in....do they magically drop the weight? I hope so, I wouldn't wanna live in America for eternity. "So, what do you wanna do first now that you made it to heaven?" "Coughwheezepant...they got mcdonalds here right? I'll take two #4's and a big gulp"
Just another gimmick for the most part. I'm doing it to get stronger and so I don't have to leave my house. More of a guide on what exercises to do. I don't worry about my diet. Badass metabolism although I generally eat much healthier than other people. My kid had a birthday party this weekend and I didn't eat any cake/cookies/ice cream. I just don't really want that stuff.
yunno at church they talk to your kids about religion, even if you dont. the message is the propaganda why is the poor kid thanking jesus instead the people actually responsible. jesus is some random cult leader dude that has nothing to do with anything. it really isnt healthy to teach children that this is how age and disease works, yunno that it can be cure by sorcery. it actually cant. you are aware of this, that sorcery doesnt cure disease?