People who "know" what they are talking about, you mean like other journalists? First of all, everybody knows that most journalists know absolutely nothing about what they are talking about, thats why they are a journalist. To be a journalist, you absolutely don't have to know anything about what you are talking or writing about. Secondly, I will not defer to a bunch of journalists on whether or not Guilbeau writes well. I happen to "know" good writing when I read it and he doesn't qualify. In all seriousness, you need to master his style of writing and turn and run the other way. Just my two cents.
do you want me to ream into you? b/c I can if I want to. because you just hit me below the belt on a subject you know zero about. I will choose to not say anything rude, because I like you and you're one of my favs here, but you just hit me below the belt. :thumb: Lucky I had on my cup. :hihi:
Many writers make niches for themselves by being controversial. Not too many newsfolk out there make a living on good news so they try and scoop up the bad news. The bad news draws more attention.
Didn't mean anything negative toward you at all. I want and expect you to succeed in your chosen field at the highest level. I read your articles and you write well. When it comes to Guilbeau, I admit that I lose some objectivity. I have no respect for him. I've traded a few e-mails with him and he isn't very professional. IMHO, he is nothing but a sh#t stirrer. You can be critical in much more constructive ways than he is. It takes someone with character to rise above the fray and write a truly contructively critical article. Guilbeau isn't interested in that at all. I meant what I said. Study the way he writes and do the opposite.