just curious, no offense intended, but why are you defending someone who just about everyone thinks is biased against LSU?
Because he isn't biased against LSU. And even if he is, who cares. It's not his job to be an LSU fan. I'm not saying he is the best writer ever or anything. I just think it's dumb to diss someone just because they write bad things about LSU sometimes. If his job were to be rosy about LSU 24/7, he'd write press releases for the athletic department.
fwiw, I agree with your line of reasoning. What he writes means very little to me cause his opinion means very little, but like him or not, he's good at his job. Sure sells... Sportswriter and Sportscaster of the Year for 2007. Nuff said. :wink:
agree... you said what I meant, but just said it much better than I did. He is laughing all the way to the bank as we sit around here and read his stuff and say how bad it is. it's like if 1,000,000 people each buy something I make for $15 bucks a pop just to say how bad it is.
He has/had an agenda. I don't know what his problem is/was with Miles but it showed through loud and clear in his writings. I don't care if he's the second coming of Grantland Rice. The dude still pisses me off.
Ever come home mad at the boss and chew on the wife's ass? I understood what you were saying, perfectly well.
Clair almost always defends the "bad guy". It's his MO. He's pretty good at it. If his sports writing career doesn't pan out, he should become a defense attorney. Then maybe he could meet TO and Ray Lewis. :hihi: (sorry clair, had to throw that in there)
i don't care how good of a writer he is, i have an adverse reaction to anyone that delights in LSU's misfortunes or bemoans LSU's good fortunes. i have read his articles, i have heard him on the radio, and i have seen him on tv (sports monday) and especially on tv you can tell this guy wishes nothing good upon LSU and therefore i wish nothing good upon him. he gets physically uncomfortable when LSU is mentioned in a good light. on top of that his writing is meant to be inflammatory. he is a "shock value" guy just like finebaum and therefore guys like this should not receive journalistic awards. also he has not (to my knowledge) ever held himself accountable and admitted he was basically wrong for blasting miles over and over. if he has then i stand corrected, but if we are going to tarnish miles for winning with a talented team with a few players he didn't recruit then let's just not award national championships to any coach who hasn't been at a university for less than 4 years. let's go back and take away meyer's title and coker's title and tressel's and stoops'. NONE of these guys received criticism for winning with someone else talent (except coker) and both stoops and tressel won a NC ONE year after taking over. meyer after two. but all of these men are revered. you don't have to be an LSU fan to be a good journalist but accountability counts for something. or maybe in light of this award in the journalistic community, maybe it doesn't. ps i'm not sure but this may be the same organization that gave the broadcasting award to buddy d many times. if it is, my case needs resting. i actually kinda liked buddy d, but awarding a radio broadcaster with a heavy speech impediment is like awarding a chick with an arm growing out of her face a modeling contract. pps if guilbeau's just writing his "opinion" then what i just wrote is just as valid as his. except i don't get paid for mine. end of rant
That piece of crap paper he wrote for doesn't archive his articles, so this is the best I could do, I think it does show an anti-LSU bias http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=56607&highlight=guilbeau http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=54856&highlight=guilbeau http://www.tigerforums.com/showthread.php?t=48245&highlight=guilbeau notice in this one, he claims that most of Saban's players graduated after the Sugar bowl, but all this year, he contiued to give Saban all credit., which is it?