Relax. There are a lot of weirdoes here. You'll fit right in. When you actually learn something about my personal sense of self and place you will feel foolish. An avatar is just a mnemonic device, you know. :lol:
[ame=]Glory Hole - YouTube[/ame]
That's what I call an attention grabbing headline, but I'd be careful - I'm sure putting yourself out there like that is thrilling for you, but some people may be startled by your bravado. bizarre thread. My attorney advises me to not make further additions to this post. SEE YA!
I really feel that Miles has a want for JJ to succeed but understands the importance of our running game to drill holes in solid defensive walls to ensure that the team on the receiving end of our labor is worn out from us ramming it down their throats Miles just needs to make sure not to prematurely let loose or our next rival might find new holes in our straight and narrow attack.
If it comes down to inserting anything into a glory hole then my I'm changing sides and want to say Jefferson's gets the nod.
From what I understand of this situation, Lee has a shiny helmet but Jefferson has a tarpaulin-like covering on his helmet
My avatar is much more than a mental reminder. It also serves as a powerful ultrasonic device, capable of putting out a sonic wave as high as 85000hz (high end model) with a sound compression level of somewhere around 180 decibel. This technology has been around extensively for use in a humane and somewhat harmless approach to maintaining an Eco-friendly environment. How it works: Say you are renting a nice apartment in a quiet neighborhood. Then one day the apartment next to you is invaded by a Rock Band. They fight, yell, throw beer cans against the wall and play extremely loud music every night, all night long. You just can't take it anymore, either you get some relief or commit suicide. Instead you pull out your Ultrasonic/Electro-magnetic pest control device and Bam, you shoot out one of these mega ultra sonic bad boys and these grunge grunts are scattering like a petrino arkansas defense. So the next time you see the TUSK elephant, not only should you be asking yourself, where can I get one of these, but it may explain that over whelming desire that keeps coming over you, to not want the last word.