Re: you paint with too broad a brush Fascinating historical read (2003). The incredibly lazy shot at the Guildbeau guy reminds me of my shot at him of being a selfish slob.
Fascinating. This "Tiger Educated" person offers another post in favor of GG -- Guilbeau the Dildeau (the first day of 2004). Also fascinating, SabanFan, the "voice of reason," was anti-"Tiger Educated"'s pro-GG stance.
I was anti TE. That dude was the most arrogant, pompous individual to ever grace this forum. He and I had quite a few shootouts. He was anti-Brady before it was cool. He's still hanging out at the Rant or one of the other inferior boards. If you cross me, I'll run your azz off too.:hihi:
No, tell us how you really feel, SabanFan... There were a lot of old time posters there that have gone by the wayside.
Re: Glenn Gulibeau is a piece of garbage :lol::lol::lol: My nomination for one of the best posts of the year.
I'm not apologizing for anything, good riddance to the both of them. Now if Guilblow would just fade away like TE.........:thumb::thumb::thumb: