Re: Re: Glenn Gulibeau is a piece of garbage The Advocate might not be a very high quality newspaper, or employ Pulitzer caliber sports reporters, and I agree with both of those statements, but it is owned by the Manship family, who are down the line staunch Republicans. It is hardly liberal. Although it did not take sides in the recent Governor's race for example, I think it clearly showed a Republican bias during it. The same goes for the way it reports, or does not report, or buries certain national news stories in back pages. It definitely is not Demoratic in its bias. The trend of most newspapers around the country is to get smaller and smaller, and to report less and less news. If you read the NY Times, or the Washington Post, or the LA Times, or even the USA Today you can see just how inadequate most of them have become in reporting anything like the full news every day.
66, I agree with your statement on the Manship family being conservative. However, if you read the op-ed pieces in the paper on a daily basis, they reek of liberalism. They are constantly churning out sensational opinions that are not reflective of the Manships nor conservative sentiment. Although they do a nice of job in the op-eds of encouraging people to get out and vote.... I guess that's why they call them op-ed pieces and we have this little thing called non-discriminatory hiring practices.
Cal Thomas, Kilpatrick, the black right winger, Krauthammer, George Will, and several other right wing op-eds they run consistently are liberal? Just because they run Molly Ivins to at least pretend they don't have a bias doesn't mean they are slanted liberal. Right wingers object to newspapers running anything whatsoever they do not agree with. That is their, and apparently your problem. The great majority of the op ed pieces The Advocate runs are conservative and even to some extent right wing extremist pieces.
Re: Re: Re: Glenn Gulibeau is a piece of garbage I honestly can't say I know much about the Manship family, but I do know about the liberal slants I have personally seen in the Advocate (and TP). I said nothing about a Democratic stance. Liberal does not necessarily equal Democratic, and even though I am registered Republican, I vote for the best candidate. I don't believe 100% (or even 50%) of what comes out of any party, and I think it is any newspaper's job is to report the news without any slant or bias. Newspapers and television should report the news not create it. For you to state that the Advocate takes a slant in any direction tells me the Manship family wants to exert it's influence, which is dead wrong. I have no ill feelings toward the Manships, their power or their money, but remember that absolute power corrupts absolutely. You mentioned some of the right wing writers which the Advocate subscribes the services of and that the Advocate uses along with the mis of occasional liberal articles and you are 100% right - they do put a mix of everything. The reason they have to do that is to sell papers. Many other papers are far more liberal than the Advocate, but I refuse to read them (except to "know the enemy"). In any case, we've drifted way off of the course of the Advocate's poor group of sports writers (as a whole). We agree they're bad, and it's o.k. to disagree on the rest. Though I am not a fan of the TP, I do believe from a sports standpoint that they blow the Advocate away (when Toolame is taken out of the mix). Take a look at the last two weeks' articles in each.
Don't know about now, but when I last lived in Louisiana, 20 years ago, The Morning Advocate/State Times had one of the best sports sections in the country. And, that was not just my opinion, but the opinion of many in the business.
Can't get any better examples than this week - You might want to go check out Dubois' article with the 1000 "Maybes" or Guillbeau's article aout Saban leaving.
Over the years The Advocate has done what most other non-large city newspapers have done--they have cut back and that means the paper has less in it than it used to. I guess with all the competition from the internet and TV cable news it gets harder and harder to keep the quality of your paper consistent. One would think that the advertising in them would make a better product possible, but I guess not. I agree that the Advocate has slipped in recent years. For all the other reasons we can think of for Nick Saban to stay at LSU, we can add that if the program does somehow go south (God forbid!!), Saban will face a much less vociferous press here than in almost any NFL town if the same thing happens while he is coaching the team there. The New York press is apparently akin to buzzards sitting on light poles waiting for a fresh carcass to consume. Of course I doubt if someone as driven as Saban is even considers that he might fail, but Dave McGinnis (Cardinals), Greg Williams (Bills), Jim Fassel (Giants), along with Spurrier and Dan Reaves probably never considered that they would fail and be fired either. All of those men are top notch coaches and people, highly regarded by football minds who know good coaches. Niffle is highly competitive and even Saban might find he has met his match on more than one Sunday--if he goes.
Glenn Guilbeau is hardly biased against LSU... Paul Manasseh was his mentor, and Herb Vincent is his good friend...He worked with both as a student in the LSU Sports Information Department... Mr. Manasseh, the legendary former LSU SID, helped him get his first job, and help him obtain employment later... Guilbeau has been a great fan, and has had to witness as the Advocate took him off the LSU lead, and no longer allowed him to write game stories in favor of Carl Dubois...basically a demotion...if only in name only, but quite apparent by anyone who keeps track of who is writing what in the paper... Guilbeau-like any man in his profession-is out to do quality work #1, but #2 and sometimes, #1A, his job is to get people's eyes into the any means necessary... People hate Richard Condon, but he BLEW 98.1's asses out of the water in morning time drive slots across the Metro BR area... Why? Because people are motivated to listen to him to see what he will say next...They dislike him, but like listening him so that they can keep track and be reminded of WHY they dislike him... You all complain about Guilbeau and attack his credibility, and most laughably, talk about his objectivity, when in fact he's voicing a contrary opinion in the Lion's Den of subjectivity... It is quite interesting how you all keep doing exactly what Guilbeau wants you to do...which is read... All of you claim that you can't stand him, how anti-LSU he is, when he's a graduate, and has worked for the AD before as a student, and how he has no credibility or yadda, yadda, yadda...Yet for all this invective, you still read... Why? If you dislike him so much, why not vote with your MONEY? Why not vote with your EYES... E-mail the Advocate each and every day and complain, and also tell them you don't read the Sports Section because of Guilbeau's involvement in it... Why stop there? If you are care so deeply and are so genuinely honest about your dislike for the man, why not go find the Advertisers in the Advocate's Sports Section. Tell them that you will no longer pay them patronage on account of the Advocate's continual inclusion of Guilbeau as one of their staff writers.... Trust me, it will work...I promise you... For some reason, I think flowery prose in e-mails directed towards Mr. Guilbeau will be the best you all muster up, but if you TRULY WERE AS MAD AND UNHAPPY AS YOU CLAIM TO BE, then do something about it... I'm waiting.... LSUtigah, Twisted Tiger, Bayou Bomber, New Jersey Tiger, cjdav1, SabanFan, Texican, and Dutchtown Tiger, I'm waiting to see some e-mails to advertisers and the BUSINESS OFFICE AND/OR EDITORS DESK! Tic..........tic..........tic.... LOL@all of you!
TE: Leave me out of this. My issue was with Ralph_Wiggum. I don't read the Advocate because they don't deliver out here.