I didn't see this posted anywhere I hope I'm not repeating information. This is a very strange ranking of Coach Miles to say the least. What's you guys thoughts about this guy? While I think the jury is still out on Coach Miles I would rank him about 5th. Certainly above Fulmer. http://www.thetowntalk.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070806/SPORTS/708060326/1006/SPORTS
Nice third post there, Don - If you stick around, you will realize that most posters think Gilbeau has as much literary talent as a Dear John lifer in Angola. He ranks lower than a worthless hack. The only thing that bothered me about that article was the first paragraph.
lord! they will select anyone these days won't they! talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel! bama, i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't know what most around here think of guilblow. a sack of chit has more value than that hack.
Everyone here knows Guilbeau hates LSU and the feeling is mutual. Nothing this guy writes about LSU should be taken seriously in fact nothing at all that he writes should be.
Kinda funny how some folks treat CLM. Any thing he does well, the credit goes to Saban. Anything he comes up short on is his fault. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of College Football. I think he's handled everything really well. I'm surprised he's only dropped one F Bomb. And the one he dropped was a good place to drop it. This is gonna be a good year for our Tigers!
I don't know whether or not Glenn hates LSU, but I do know that he loves it when people are talking about his articles. Love him or hate him, you still read him and that's why he writes the way that he does.
If Guilbeau writes an original thought, it will be his first. Probably trawls here regurlary for information and to learn how to spell.
Not really. The only time I even see him mentioned is when someone that lives in the area his small time rag is distributed posts a link. I think that is also a reason why he writes such inflammatory articles about LSU, because otherwise there would be no reason to read anything he writes. It is also apparent from some of his articles linked here that he frequents the boards and steals his material. He is a fraud, that's why he is no longer with a major paper.
It's funny how Guilbeau refers to the Saban era at LSU. I think lil Nick gave him a purple and gold sombrero after we beat Arizona on the road in '03. Guilbeau had picked Arizona to win what turned out to be a laugher and early signal of a dominate LSU Team. He has always been anti-LSU. :geauxtige :lsup: :helmet: :crystal: :crystal: