no, they are paid with men's money as well. they lose money every year and are financed by the men. the wnba is essentially a charity for minority lesbians, funded by the work of male players.
i have been repeatoing it for years, women global elites play at roughly male middle school elite level. its sounds outrageous so nobody buys it and they just get angry, but its true. 15 year old boys will beat women at basically everything, except long distance swimming and maybe equestrian or something. for women to compete with men, they have to play vs pre-pubescent males that are the same size as women. middle school. thats how shit women are at sports. unwatchable.
I don't think it is. If I remember correctly the NBA carries the wnba as one would expect. The wnba needs to be taken behind the barn and put down like a horse with a broken leg.
i wish the men would just decouple from the corresponding female league and just say we want strong independent women to do their own thing. US mens soccer should be independent and let the women do their own thing. same with NBA. its sucks, that a person like javonte smart, for example, who is not gonna last in the nba and g-league, is paid less because his league has to fund women, literally every single one of which is worse than he is. he deserves everything he earns, doesnt need to be funding a charity for lesbians.
shame on the NBA for not paying an all world talent like Brittney Griner enough money to live large and she has to go to Russia to pay the bills and then get locked up.
When David Stern was the NBA commissioner people would ask him about this, encourage him to kill the wnba because it was so awful and he would get angry with them. Adam silver is sort of the same way. Sadly because of the screwed up times we are in there is no chance it will happen now.
i don't care whether the wnba lives or dies, why should you?.. i understand your not liking women's sports, but i don't get why you hate them,.. you and martin act like they threaten your masculinity
its because they are are liars and i dont like lies that are spread and not countered. they keep saying its sexism that motivates the lower salaries, or in the case of the WNBA, the massive losses. they wont accept the reality that its their fault. and anyone who says the truth about is called a mean and bad person. in reality everyone knows its because they are slow and cannot jump or dunk or even really shoot or dribble very well. not relative to me, i am not a basketball player, relative to other professionals. worse yet, the people they like to yell at, the NBA, are the people they should be sucking the cocks of and thanking, because its the men paying their salaries. and they dont understand simple economics. they want investment. but they are not worth any risk and investors know this. if they believed in their product, then they are welcome to invest in themselves. they want want to be lauded for being strong independent while at the same time begging their superiors for cash while also insulting them. you cannot be both strong and independent while literally being dependent on men. in general i like when delusions are untruths are presented such that to counter them results in people trying to morally one-up you.
when britney griner was on the USA olympic team, her claim was that she was the best big of any gender on team USA. she said she was better than damarcus cousins. damarcus cousins before he tore his achilles was a fucking atomic tank of dunk destruction who was taller than griner and 70 pounds of muscle heavier. this is more or less like my claiming i am a better pole vaulter than mondo duplantis. cousins could pick griner up, tear her in two, and throw the parts in the rafters. its just silly what women claim.