My last dog was from a shelter, and she was the best dog I ever owned. However, it cost me several thousand dollars to get her healthy after she was adopted, we never knew how old she was, and we just had to have her put to sleep a few weeks ago after we found out she had a bleeding cancerous tumor on her spleen. It's been excruitiating. That being said, she was a lab, and I want a lap dog. I used to have a cocker spaniel, and I want a puppy whose life history I actually know about.
From Sept. thru Jan. LSU football is life, it's all that matters. Upgrade the wine to scotch and you'll appreciate Les more.
everyone thinks their rescue has some molestation past that has them all screwed up. when in fact, dogs dont dwell on shit like humans and can be conditioned to how you like. most of what they display is simply what youre projecting. at least thats what that mexican says. he knows a lot of shit it seems.
My shelter dog was absolutely wonderful. It's just that I was only able to have her for 7 and a half years because she was probably five or so when I got her. I'd rather have my next dog around for 14 or 15 years, easier to do when you get them at 8 weeks.
You should get a maltese. We have one, all she does is lay around or on us. She loves to sleep in our laps, or just somewhere close to us. They're very smart, train easy, eat little, are easy to pick up after, and are very low maintenance if you keep'em groomed.
They are definitely cute, but I think I have my mind made up about a cocker spaniel. My younger daughter already has it named if we choose one of the girls...Chloe.
Well good luck with whatever you decide on. Cockers are smart too, and very playful when young. My Uncle had one but she became a bitch when she got older, but that can be almost any breed when they reach the older years.