But shouldn't they have had their shit together this year? It's not like showing Miles the door was a new idea. I wasn't in favor of the idea until after the Old Piss loss, but a lot of people have been wanting it for years. How could they not have the backend stuff lined up? How do they not have stakeholder lists and communications plans? If you're going to have a palace coup you either do it right or you're dead. Now the best course of action may be to fire Alleva and let the new guy deal with Miles from a blank page.
Logic would deem the larger the institution, the more organized it must be to survive. Reality could not be further from the truth, Exhibit A: the Federal government.
Yeh, bite your tongue in front of cameras, throw goofy smiles and claps around for all to see, and answer things like the riddler. Everyone loves and feels bad for the program moron, and no one has the heart to let him go.
Point well made. Although we looked quasi governmental - "Welcome to Tiger Stadium. Home of the US Post Office of college football.