We've only been a better 2nd half team from my stand point due to conditioning. We're in better physical shape than most teams and seem to do better once we wear an oppenant down. This year seems we break down in the 2nd half and reward ourselves with throwing games away.
To flip what I am saying and say to "give him a plate of cookies and a glass of milk" is ridiculous. Your original response decribes you, presumably as a coach, going ballistic on the sideline in a rage about the penalty, and that is what I was addressing. I absolutely think the player should be held accountable, and I am sure he will be. He let the whole team down at that moment - he will learn from this for sure. Would I have liked to see CLM more emotional and pissed, yes to some degree, and I know I would have been, too. Having said that, I do not think CLM needs to be thrown under the bus for his lack of responding in a way we thought he should have. He will handle it his way, and it will probably get better results that our responses. That is why we are on a messageboard and not a sideline. I just think a coaches response is an example to others on how to manage their anger and frustrations, so in that sense, CLMs response is one of a leader.
Yes I do agree to some degree with you. But ON OCCASION I think a little fire and brimstone is justified. At the least bit, side line the moron. If others see these guys make rediculous mistakes and get benched then maybe we don't have these kind of problems. What really blows is it was live on CBS and now there's more fuel to the fire of LSU imploding status. We're coming across as a team that has zero self control and zero discipline.
The problem I see is none of the other players seem to be holding each other acountable. Do you think Glenn Dorsey, Flynn, or Hester would have allowed any of that poop to take place yeasterday? As much as some of you want to hang the coaching staff, the players themselves need to police each other. There seems to be no senior or player leadership on this team. Peterson is the only one on defense who seems to be into the game.
Yeah, I defintely agree with you here, but you must admit this is more "toned down" than your original response:grin:. Look, I definitely think he could have responded more emotionally/pissed off, but maybe he knows TJ does not respond to that type of coaching. TJ did sit after that, BTW.