A pet peeve. Just because one does not agree with another one (no matter what or who the ones are) it does not make the person disagreeing a neanderthal, homophobe, or racists. I get weary of people/causes calling everyone that disagrees a fool, or worse, so to answer your question, I don't know about "right" but it sure pisses me off.
Well it's not necessarily a matter of preference. Ya see, it's not feasible to put a cow's back hooves in a pair of boots- not to mention reach.
That's true for black boots because their opening is narrow...probably that's why Tiga always wears the white boots...you know the ole "Air Dardar",
I really wish Blue hadn't felt he needed to state his feelings on this personally. Also, I don't really think homosexuality is a choice. I didn't choose to be heterosexual. I always, inherently, liked guys. I'm assuming homosexuals feel the same way, though some will stay in the closet through not wanting to deal with the ramifications of being gay. That may be the choice that's involved in homosexuality; I know more than a few married folks who seem pretty gay, for instance.
Agreed, I think he should just stick to answering football questions.....same goes for hollywood actors, noone cares about their sexual or political preferences.
At the very least, they should be wise enough to avoid such polarizing topics when asked because it's almost always a trap, and football players generally aren't the best at articulating their thoughts on such matters.
Exactly. Many people who struggle with their sexuality often risk complete isolation from their loved ones, including their families. I've known gay people who've had their backs turned on them by their own friggin' parents. No one would choose to go through that. I think that some people convince themselves that it's a choice to justify their stances vis-a-vis DOMA, DADT, etc. It's easier to discriminate against them if you think they chose to be that way, isn't it?
Blue said all the wrong things in that interview. For those that say being gay is a "choice", why did you choose to be hetero? Are you equally attracted to both sexes (i.e. fantasize about both) but just thought it made more sense to be a hetero and go the traditional route?