I'm pulling for a Florida/Texas Tech game-wanting the SEC to win. Still, I think that would be entertaining.
I would say USC just to see them get blown out by a STRONG SEC team, but I voted Tech because I think that would be a better game to watch.
Dude, I am smoking much better then what you might think, you see it's a DREAM MATCH UP THREAD which, entitles anyone the option to freely post what they dream upon whether it is a justified match up or not. What does the Vote tally show so far? I can't see through all the smoke.
Florida would blow them out completely, and it would go on to hurt the legitimacy of the Pac-10, and more importantly, USC.
Hey...everyone is entitled to their own opinion. But the other part of the question asks which team matches up the best with Florida. I just can't believe anyone thinks that USC would match up well with Florida. I can definitely see how it would be a dream match up though without the following question. Whatever though...
I vote for Texas although I can't vote in the poll lol. I just hope if we get there, we get a good matchup unlike the last two years.
Yeah and I saw what Kentucky and Arkansas did to us last year, yet we still won the NC. You can't judge a team by one game. That being said, USC isn't looking so hot right now against mighty Stanford.