However, I did sit in the west upper deck for the Idaho game and that was like the Tiger Stadium I know and love. Very refreshing experience. And the decks are where all of the crowd noise comes from, save for the student section.
Eric Dickerson straight up said in the 30 for 30 film "Pony Excess" something about cars or money or whatever Bear Bryant offered him during his recruitment.
The "cheap seats" always have the best fans. It was a love/hate for me when I worked games in the student section. I hate the obnoxiousness but love the enthusiasm.
The student section these days is full of frat rats and their sorostitute counterparts who take off for their parties at the half. Their preppy attire honestly looks more at home in the Grove than here.
South end zone is where the most noise comes from. It is always the most filled section and still fairly cheap seats. It think there are more old time fans there than the rest of the stadium.
Not when the students are rocking and tiger band is playing. But in games like this season, yes. They are consistent. We just haven't had a really raucous stadium crowd yet. It mostly only appears in close games.[/quote]
Homecoming and blowouts, yes they do leave early but I worked the student section from 01 to 09 and believe me where they go in noise level is a whole nother animal in close games.