No wait...I'm wrong. He lost in 2006 in the Swamp, right? Then I KNOW he lost in 2008...arses were thumped. Then we won in 2010 there. So this is the 4th time there for Miles.
I've been to just about all of the SEC's home venues.....and for me the swamp was the absaloute is a very loud place, alot of their fans are very harsh....all in all i would compare it alot to playing in death valley just roles reversed.
I guess it just depends on one's perspective. Which has a lot to do with one's age and experience. The swamp is loud and obnoxious. But the fans always smell like new money. It has that Johnny come lately, 5 minute egg, football feel to it. BR has obnoxious, extremely loud and a historical feel, perfectly seamed into a fear for your life approach as you meander back to the car. In the big picture, some traditions are just harder to overtake.
I guess it's been a while since you've been to Tiger Stadium. Sounds a lot like the lower bowl nowadays.
I said historical. The things you guys yelled at the top of your voice about coach Bryant win or lose were fighting words. And that was in our house.
Let me elaborate a little. Do most Alabama people know that Bryant was a miserable, crooked human being, and still revere him no matter what, like Louisianians do Long?
I could see how you might see some similarities, given the evil genius that was Long. Most of the evil perpetrated by coach Bryant on Louisianans was on the score board.