Agreed. I'm fine with run first. I like to wear them down running the ball. Let Cam have his way and hopefully it won't involve a bunch of screens, bubble screens etc. We have a QB with a huge arm. Lets do more quick slants, more tight end, more down and outs. We have a real QB finally, lets use it.
I may be wrong (LSUDad would know), but I think Cam is big on screens. Which is fine. Jimbo made his living on screen passes. You just have to know WHEN and HOW to execute them.
.....and NOT those freakin' Crowton bubble screens run out of the Meercat huddle when the ball is snapped with 0.5 seconds left on the clock.
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The bubble screen is a fine play, BUT it is easy to telegraph. The key to any screen working is that it must be a surprise. Our last two coordinators were far too predictable. This business of putting in new guys on every down just to run certain plays didn't take a defensive genius to figure out. By mid season last year our tendencies with every player combination were becoming clear to astute fans. Nick and every DC in the conference knew exactly how to exploit this.
Statement or not, Hill being voted back by the players is bullshit. A football team is a dictatorship. Any say given to the players is simply because CLM knew how they would vote. No 18 year old is going to vote against his boy. This was CLM reinstating Hill but camouflaging responsibility.