What aggravates me the most about them is that Danielson can't mention something positive about LSU without also mentioning something about Alabama. He mentions Ware, and then compares him to Richardson. He mentions the defense, and then compares it to Alabama's. He mentions our schedule, then compares it to Alabama's. There were points during the game last week where I started asking people I was with if Alabama was on the field playing. I was at the game today and haven't watched the replay yet, but I'd be willing to bet today was no different.
Chinese must be killing us in creating announcers, for every good one we have, there must be fifteen horrid ones with jobs should not see a TV booth.
Sweet idea. I fiddle with it every Saturday and Sunday.. what sync program/item do you use, Red? The facemask nonsense from Danielson was embarrassing. He nudged the defender away with the crown of his own helmet. You know that round thing without anything to grab onto to yank or actually keep your hand there to do damage.. save the facemask which Spencer avoided. What's dangerous there?
Just wait until the AL game everyone! It will be sickening like you cannot imagine! Every play AL makes on us those two will gush like schoolgirls. I am starting to feel sick right now...excuse me. :dis: