They suck. But I too care more about what's on the field than what those Jack holes are spewing. Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
They were both especially irritating today, more than usual. Thought they both were going to drop down and kiss Manning's ass right on live TV. How about how when Verne fuddlephucked out of control trying to explain the 2005 TN/LSU game. Kept getting them mixed up and sounded like an idiot. CBS please retire one these tools.
The 2005 TN game was 21-0 LSU at half. I know that and I don't call SEC football games for a living. Do your research and know what you're talking about before you blurt out inaccurate info on tv.
Not only that but there's a difference between putting your hand on a face mask (offense) and grabbing/pulling on one (defense). The defensive players CAN put their hand against RB's facemask and stiff arm. Duh, what good what that do Danielson?
I'll be glad when the SEC's contract with CBS is over. Felt like I was listening to Holtz without the spit-slurring speech.
From an injury risk standpoint there is no comparison between a stiff arm and grabbing the face mask on defense.
+1 Is it too much to ask that people stop crying about how biased the media is while were on the subject?