AHEM..... password: miketiger currently on something, but game coverage starts at 5 am. It's a damn good thing i got the chicken wire up early.....
I appreciate that so much. :thumb: I am gonna call around and see if there's a sports bar around here open that early with ESPN Classic.
Hey Lee, is your folks taking the necessary precautions? Not looking good for me right now. And you know the Price's are in pretty much the same boat as me.
In Houston, on Comcast, I get ESPN Classic, but Comcast conveniently "moved" it to a new channel, and I must have missed the snail mail. I got off chat with Comcast, and it was moved to channel 109, but when I tune 109, it says "channel not available". They are working on it, others had reported it. But, I may miss the game! :angryfire :angry: :bncry::dis:
The schedule for tomorrow on ESPNClassic, up here in the northeast, says Bassmasters. I hope it is because it has not been updated and not because it is a regional thing.
They boarded up the house and I'm sure they filled up on gas and water, but like always they're staying. They don't really live in an area susceptible to flooding, though, in the Northwest area of Houma (Summerfield/Mulberry area).