This is exactly why Florida was late doing everything, they had no intention of ever playing this game. They didn't want to, they were dragging their feet so it would eventually be called off and not played. Think about what it does for them in the East. They will probably win the East as a result. If Florida loses to LSU that puts them in a 3 game hole for the East and out of the race. Now it's still a 2 game hole because Tennessee holds the tiebreaker. Florida has a cream puff schedule left with the exception of Arkansas and Tennessee has A&M and Bama. LSU would be left at home.
This is utter BS and the SEC brand should not have let this happen. This was not unprecedented and going to the away teams stadium has been done before and is not unheard of. Well I hope UF has 1 loss and loses the East because of their chicken sh!t move.