Paige @pgehrbgh Breaking News: According to TMZ, Maisie Williams was recently hospitalized for urgent treatment due to severe back pain caused by the burden of carrying the entire show on her back We all wish her a speedy recovery...
He didn't even fight. Had one scene with him on his dragon and that was it. He got finished quicker than my the first time having sex.
Have to say I was disappointed in the battle. The scenes were muddled, disjointed and the battle plan was stupid IMO. As noted above none of the main characters did much. The deus ex machina type ending while predictable (how else can the army of the dead be defeated other than by killing the king?) left me flat. It should have been Jon or Dany going mano (or womano) a mano with king on dueling dragons.
I hated how quickly the Dothraki were defeated, but the strategy was solid until that happened. Dany and Jon were waiting for the Night King to appear and would target him when he did. But once the Dothraki went down, Dany said 'Fuck This' and deviated from the game plan. Then all bets were off after that.
I would say Jamie to fulfill the prophecy by Maggie the Frog back in whichever season that was, but they deviated from the whole 'Prince(ss) that was Promised' angle when defeating the Night King, so who knows?
haven't read this thread lately, afraid of spoilers,.. I finished season 7, fuck you Petyr Baelish,.. just starting to watch the new stuff, took 70 hours to catch up
I read all the books years ago,.. fuck G Martin for not finishing the book series, and he never will I didn't much care for 8.3,.. too drawn out, not enough plot, too much battle, annoying cinematography,.. and like you mentioned, after all of the huge leadin, Arya pokes the night king in the belly and that's it,.. very anticlimactic I thought looking forward to seeing how Cersei and everybody else finish this off.
Yep. At this point I am just watching to see it through. Being that they went off script, they could have done so much, but are providing very little. I hope season 4 of the Last Kingdom on Netflix doesn't disappoint!