finished season two,.. fuck, I hate that little bitch Joffrey the book was complicated, compared to this barebone list of characters
I hate everything that is ATL Falcons football, but that was a cool vid. Especially the Ram running over the Saint and the ref motioning incomplete.
It took me a couple of times of watching the first episode to get into it, but I binge watched the first 3 seasons and became a fan. A lot of story lines to follow, but really enjoy the multiple character journeys of each of the kingdoms. Interested to see how they finally wrap everything up. Going to be a lot of people disappointed to see this series come to an end.
The middle seasons have so many different storylines that they are better if binged... Otherwise you get like five minutes of each character in each episode. Deuce Windham @RevDeuceWindham Never forget, the Night King blew a 28-3 lead in the #BattleofWinterfell #GameOfThrones
There are even more in the books. The series left the books a while back. Now, we are going to have two different endings.