[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvrDrwxJhpg&feature=youtube_gdata_player]lsuWHO: the Dawgs are comin' for YOU - YouTube[/ame] This is so bad I had to share. I can not take threats from a midget serious. I guess that is why I am not worried about Saban either.
Not as bad as I would've thought considering they made it in one day. But LS-Who? That's older than yo mama jokes. No corndog references either. So sad.
Further proof that if you are a white dude, and your name is *not* Marshall Mathers, you should not attempt to rap.
I thought that was actually pretty creative for a fan video. If I were a UGA fam, I'd be eating this up. Then I'd be crying Sunday morning...