IOW .... SugarLSU is "Pat" on Saturday Night live ...... Whewww ... I thought that puzzle would never be solved.
This is why I did it: (copied from another thread) Quote: Fishhead said.... Good job with the formula, but my prediction was an XP block away from dead on. SugarLSU too...(she stalks my predictions...) But after reading this entire thread, I am kind of sorry I did. But you know how us men are, we will not take being called a chick, or little wee wee jokes lying down! We will especially not take the latter WHILE lying down.
In order to put an end to this horrible thread, I am coming out, my full name is... Pat Leslie Stacey Haden Dakota Rory Jessie Riley Emerson Hayden McSugarpants. There! Are you happy now? I am in tears.