figured you guys might like a little something to think about besides the game.
Seen that coming..After the game, when the ABC sideline reporter asked him if it was his last game, he couldn't even answer, he just left.
Well, it looks like the attorney's for both sides racked up some good billing time on how carefully written both letters are. Especially the A&M letter.
He went out with a bang that made Mrs. NLMD very, very happy. That makes Mr. NLMD happy as well...well, it normally does. The 3OTs are going to take a good night sleep.
man I hate you right now....for obvious reasons as I sit here with family and no shot of happiness tonight. i think the Aggies looked silly in the grey pants today also, but with Jimmy Johnson on their short list things will be looking up soon in Aggieville.....:wave:
I live in College Station and have friends in the TAMU athletic department and if we even consider Franchione as a replacement if Miles goes to his Alma Mater (which I don't want him to do, but don't blame him if he does), I might be inclined to turn in my diploma. We don't need his kind of problems.