Shows how ignorant you are troll. It's has nothing to do with race "Niggardly" (noun: "niggard") is an adjective meaning "stingy" or "miserly". It can be traced back at least to the Middle English word nigon, which has the same meaning, and is related to the Old Norse verb nigla, which means "to fuss about small matters".[1] Why don't you get a real education rather than advance snowflakeology???? Then rather than troll you can actually add something to the discussion.
I finally got called a racist yesterday for saying "that's mighty white of you". First time in my life. Guess I'm part of the club now.
Wtf..troll???sorry my ingorance fuckstick I'm sure you are the only person alive to have heard every word in the English language used.
University of Illinois shuts down their "war chant" to not offend anyone. The whimpification of football.