Oh, I totally agree. I thought it was implied that he didn't know. Yeah, for the sake of Tusk and Terry, I probably should have iterated it more explicitly. Don't worry, I got your back ETA: On further reflection, I bet you misspelled mispelled on purpose to go with the theme of the tattoo, didn't you?
It takes me a few minutes sometimes most times. That oven joke of @uscvball 's totally flew over my head. Didn't even get it when @lsutiga said something about it. Good thin @tigerchick46 helped me out. I get so damned focused on work with this running beside me that sh!t just flies right past me. I appreciate the forum's patience
So KyleK, why do people insist on branding stuff on their body they wouldn't want hanging in their living room? Iterate if you like?
As If you dont have that very saying on a piece of plywood hanging around the neck of a mannequin in your living room. Oh and of course the mannequin is wearing one of those hideous checkered hounds balls hats. I actually need 2 of those hats. 1 to shit in and 1 to cover it up with.
I also vote for "he doesn't know it's misspelled." A few years ago, my National Junior Honor Society t-shirts were about to be ordered, and the company sent a co-worker the final proof. She thought they looked great--then I looked and caught the dreaded your/you're error on them. We fixed that very quickly!