And then they found out they could beat us with half their starters and and said, "let's schedule them for homecoming". The end
Naw I ain't speaking directly to you, but really to all who believe we should leave em be and stomp them on the field. See, we're fans and we can run our mouths in any direction one sees fit. Players, yeah, stfu and ball them mother fuckers. But fans get to be as ignant as we possibly want and if you look at some of the fans round here, the want is mighty generous. Aside from the players and how a man should inflict his attitude, this here is about Florida. Spurrier, Spurrier, Spurrier and Meyer (sans Tim Tim) have as much if not more to do with the hate than just a gd storm, their Florida and the hate is real. Look no further than the daily florida fuck up thread and if you ain't impressed with the fact that these people mate with cockroaches, the lineage begins and matures with that very mindset. It is who they are. If you wanna hold the door for them, nice, but don't believe for a second they deserve your generosity nor your kind spirit. They will take it and ask for another expecting that YOU just set the bar for who is doing the service. So fuck Florida and not for just the contest, fuck em for who they are. This behavior from last year is simply an extension on how truly ate up the whole gd bunch really is. I don't even call suppliers from florida, I make someone else do it. I need a shower just talking about it
She's my Hootchie Coochie Florida Cockroach, Crawlin' til the break of dawn. She runs out when the lights on, but I know damn sure she ain't gone.