While I hate Florida as much as next guy they kind of own us right now. Beat us in Tiger Stadium last year, beat us in the CWS Title series. We just gotta whoop their ass and all the shit talking from them will stop.
You don't challenge an opponent to a personal conflict and expect they don't sharpen their swords. They made this personal. They twist the knife. They are fucking floridians. We shall slit their throats, rape the dignity from their women, pillage their trinkets and shit on their soil. We will leave Aleva as a sacrifice to the gods for their generosity. Any less of a preparation will bring O's abilities into question, at least for me. Unless, of course, a thunderstorm is forecasted and we are left with facing another faggoty withdrawal and Aleva rolls over like a bitch and gives them the next 10 games in the swamp. Certainly that can happen as well.
Dislike Florida as much as the next guy, but let's be clear. A bunch of our fans AND our players were talking a lot of crap about how "scared" Florida was last year to play us, then they strolled in with half their defense and beat us in our own place. So we really need to shut up until we give them the beating we were supposed to last year when they were "scared"
Well, I hate to bring this up, but we wouldn't be hating Florida near as much if a certain LSU running back would have run the play that was called on the last play of the game last year.