So much fail in here. For one thing the teams who do well have more than one pitcher. They slap rule was tightened but not illegal. But they do run. The baserinning errors we saw (and that I’m referring to) we’re not stealing; rather, moving on batted balls and getting caught sleeping on secondary lead.
It's still way too early to get excited about next season after this one started with suchh promise. Will Fontenot be back? We need to sign some LHPs.
no its not. the only worry is pitcher health that was a serious issue the last 2 years. i think fontenot is back. whatever that means i doubt it.
Bouncing back and forth between UCLA/Mich and MSU/Stan. Switched to MSU game in time to see 1 pitch that Macnamee put out into outer space. Guy does have the knack for the dramatic HR, probably his last at bat there.